Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Here is my Shirt!

Yes, it was a dumb idea to do it inside on the carpet, yes we did get a little on it, and yes our shirts turned out great!
We moved doing our shirts outside after we saw how messy it was getting. Dont ask why we started inside in the first place.... :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

An Update....Finally!

Thanks for your patience everyone! I sometimes wonder why I even have a Blog if I never update it!Well, I’ve started my new semester here at BYUI for the Fall. It has been going really well! I’m taking a computer art class, a class where I learn how to make books, a cooking class, an art history class, and the dreaded Heredity class. I like all of my classes but Heredity. I really don’t think I’m going to do well in that class at all, but I will hang it there. The real kicker is, I think I don’t even really need to be taking this class! But it was too late for me to drop it.I’m playing Frisbee again this semester! I love that game! I even got talked into coaching. I don’t have any idea on where to even begin with coaching! But my girls seem to be having fun, and I think that’s what counts most!This weekend is General Conference. All of my roommates are going to be going out of town, along with the rest of Rexburg! General Conference for Mormons is the equivalent of the Super Bowl is for Americans! It’s pretty crazy! But it will be nice to have the apartment to myself. I have a few tests the first of next week that I need to study for anyways.The weather in Rexburg is so bipolar! One day it is 80 degrees and beautiful, and the next its 40 degrees and raining with a little slush! I’m not looking forward to the nasty cold, but I guess I have no say in what will happen. The best I can to is bundle up and brace myself!Well, that is my life for the moment! Here are a few pictures of what I’ve been up to this semester with my roommates!

Random flower I took a pic of
Tie die with the roommates!
Finding out how they turned out!
We also did some spray paint T's as well!
Loving Roomates!